Lonely Planet
Our wine tastings are recommended by the most famous international travel guide (and we’re very proud of it ;-))

Paris Recommended by 10 locals, by Gigi Griffis
Wine Tasting In Paris is mentioned in the latest edition of Paris Recommended by 10 locals, by Gigi Griffis. On page 32, you’ll find a comment about us:
“On a French wine note, please take a wine class with Thierry Givone who shows how to dicern between regions, vines and influences with his Wine Tasting In Paris classes (»
Thanks to the local american born Daisy to mention me in her selection.
To order your own edition of Paris and other destinations: 10 Locals Tell You Where to Go, What to Eat, & How to Fit In :
La Revue du Vin de France
So honored to be mentioned in the famous largest French wines Magazine ‘La Revue du Vin de France’ (RVF). This magazine created in 1927 is a reference for wine professionals and wine lovers. They print 50 000 to 70 000 copies every month. Wine Tasting In Paris has a nice place of 1/2 page in the Paris wine classes part!
El Pais (Spain) – The travel Mag from the famous Spanish newspaper
We’re so proud to have been featured in the travel mag of El Pais in their post about food and drink tous aroud the world. They talk about Japan, Thailand, Marocco, Germany and… France. And in their recommendation for Paris, next to Lenotre or Le Cordon Bleu, you’ll find Wine Tasting In Paris, with a nice picture of us for the illustration!
Read the article (in Spanish) here
L’Obs (online edition of the famous weekly magazine)
L’Obs (Le Nouvel Observateur) published a very detailed page about our wine tasting sessions.
Read the article (in French) here
Le Monde (French most popular newspaper)
This article by Yoanna Sultan-R’bibo talk about 5 unusual experiences in Paris. Discover how to pair the right wine with the right cheese with one our class is one of the 5!
Read the article (in French!) here
Airbnb Magazine
The new Airbnb paper magazine just edited and they made a focus on various activities you can now book on the famous vacation rental plateform. And when it came to Paris they selected 6 activities, including the wine tasting Experience of Wine Tasting In Paris.
Our wine tastings are on Airbnb app for almost a year now, and they are some of the most succesful and popular experiences!
BFM Paris (French News TV)
The local news channel BFM Paris came last week to shoot a wine tasting session to illustrate their reportage about Airbnb new service of Experiences. The wine tasting sessions of Wine Tasting In Paris are proposed on the Airbnb plateform for over a year now and they becam quickly some of the best sellers!
GQ Italia
Wine Tasting In Paris just had a very nice article in GQ Italia!!! This is great. Thanks to the journalist Alessio Caprodossi who attended a tasting session last week. Hope I will have more guests from the other side of the Alps now!
Read the article here
Kenya Airways Magazine
We had the surprise to be in the March edition of the Kenyan Airways magazine.
In an article titled “Paris for foodies” Wine Tasting in Paris is mentioned: “It is hard to imagine enjoying French cuisine without appreciating French wines. Thierry Givone of Wine Tasting in Paris is a quintessential Parisian, particularly passionate about fermented grapes. His wine tastings, held in his brick-walled storefront in the historic Latin Quarter, are educational and informative.”
Romantic Paris Magazine
Look at this full page about Wine Tasting In Paris in December-January issue of Romantic Paris Magazine. The journalist Krystal came earlier this winter to attend a Tasting session with some customers and post this well documented article.
As it’s written: “A trip to Paris won’t be complete without upping your knowledge of something precious to the french culture. Sign up today with Thierry through his website”
Romantic Paris is an exciting online magazine designed to inspire readers with interviews from women fulfilling their dreams, travel tips, stunning photography, and art all in the city of lights!
Psycho Traveller
Look at that !! The travel channel Psychotraveller with 135 k followers just posted a nice video about Wine Tasting In Paris. Aly and Scotty was involved in an European Tour organised by #Babbel (the language on-line courses) and #Airbnb. And what’s better for learning a foreign language than tasting the local specialties and discover how to pronounce them! Thanks to Psychotraveller, Babbel and Airbnb for choosing Wine Tasting In Paris!
Burgundian led Paris wine tasting workshop in English was engaging
We had a nice article in the prestigious Luxury Travel Review blog and newsletter. Thanks to their team for such a detailed review. Luxury Travel Review, as they say: “offer first hand information and exceptional photography of some of the most comfortable and luxurious and ecotourism destinations, accommodations, voyages, products, restaurants, spas, and attractions for the discriminating traveler”.
Read the article here
About travel :
A nice and very complete review from Colette Davidson for the travel part of
“It could have something to do with the fact that I am slightly drunk before I’ve even had dinner – it’s anyone’s guess – but even in my questionable state, I can safely say thatWine Tasting in Paris offers a fun, informative and pretty fabulous way to spend an afternoon in the French capital. So, bring it on, Paris: give me your snobbiest waiter or your supermarket shelves piled high with bad Bordeaux. I’m a newly minted wine snob and I’m not afraid to show it.”
Paris Insights – Tom Reeve’s Blog
Located at 14, rue des Boulangers in the 5th arrondissement of Paris, the new shop is well equipped to handle presentations for a group of about ten persons. Thierry had a special table designed in the shape of a “V” that permits him to walk easily from the front of the room to the back, while he pours wines and makes comments about them. He also installed unusual lamps in the shape of wine bottles that hang from the ceiling and illuminate the space.
Guide2Paris / Help me in Paris
“The tasting of the wine was also very well handled, with generous measures and a good explanation of what to consider, whether its the “legs”, “robe” or one of eleven different families of aromas. All this in a friendly atmosphere overlooking the heart of Paris. You will come away with a genuine appreciation of French wine and some great information to share with friends and family”
“We would be happy to recommend wine tasting in Paris with Thierry and we are delighted to announce that he has agreed to give Help Me In Paris clients a special treat for every booking.”
Girls Guide to Paris
“Now an expert, Thierry offers tours of French wine regions, as well as classes for true connoisseurs. Fortunately he also has a class for beginners like me. It is held on a barge on the Seine, at the foot of the Hôtel de Ville, and I cannot imagine a more romantic place for a wine tasting.”
Read the full article here
Colleen’s Paris: Wine tasting in Paris on the Seine
“Sit by the Seine, be introduced to and déguster champagne, white and red wines, for a couple of hours. Watch the boats go by and the Paris evening lights illuminate. Welcome to Wine Tasting In Paris. Burgundian raised, Thierry Givone, has a passion: introducing beginners to his passion for French wines. His presentation is light and easy to understand. When you go to someone’s home or a restaurant, you will know the basics.”
Read the full article here
Paris Insights: Wine Tasting aboard a Boat on the Seine
“I think that Americans who travel to Paris will enjoy Thierry’s introduction to French wines held on-board the spacious Batostar on the Seine. It is a great way to learn about wine and to experience this important aspect of French culture with other travelers from around the world.”
Read the full article here
Out and About in Paris
“Summer school in Paris with Wine Tasting In Paris – tasting wines from six different regions of France. We started with champagne!”
Read the Facebook page